Here's a simple way to control your font face, color or size, followed by the code that
will close it up. Change the font face, color and size according to what you need it to be. (Keep in mind that not everyone
has the fancy fonts you may have. So if you use a font you're unsure of, have someone else tell you if they can see it.)
<font face="verdana" color=red size=4>Your Text Here</font>
You can also use CSS to change your text into many possible colors. The text below will
be red, but when you change the color code (which is #FF0000) you change the color! Click here for a CSS color chart.
<font face="verdana" color=#FF0000 size=4>Your Text Here</font>
Also, here are a few popular fonts that can be seen by "most" computers.
Andy Artbrush Chiller
Harrington Jester Jokerman