Formulate an idea
Do you want a beach resort, a castle, a dungeon, a club, a log cabin? Avoid approaching
a designer with a blank slate. Designers can work with you to help narrow down and fine tune general ideas, but even the most
creative designer can't read minds. Additionally, some designers are better with some themes than others. Give your designer
something to work with. If you're not sure, look at other Zabys, clubs, and various spaces within the Utherverse as well as
websites and magazines.
Shop aroundTake your time finding a good designer. Visit the Zaby Forums and talk
to friends. Get recommendations and ask for references. Photos don't tell the complete story; visit Zabys and try to see samples.
If you have a speedy computer in good working order, a Zaby should load relatively quickly and have little lag. Images should
not shimmer and should be sharp, not blurry or out of focus, and largely free of text references as to where it came from
(i.e. Seating should work, as should drugs, dance floors, and sex props. Props should be aligned evenly and
smoothly. You should not get stuck in props or fall through them.
Be clear about what you wantAvoid problems
down the road by being clear about your expectations. That includes your design, the cost, payment for (e.g. in installments,
in full of front, at the end), and how long the project will take. Communicate with your designer, and by extension, let your
designer know if you will be away from UV for an extended period of time or if you change your name.
Be patient
and realisticThere's only so much magic a designer can do. There are certain things we simply cannot do because the
scripts or animations are not available (e.g. swimming, sex with bots). Be especially patient when patches cause problems
and delays.
Know the rulesRead the Utherverse's
Rules of Conduct and Terms of Service.
Protect yourself, your designer, and your ZabyAdjust your House Rules and limit the number of people that
can decorate your Zaby. Save your Zaby layout often. It's incredibly frustrating and sad to discover your decorating trashed
by unscrupulous users or gone due to some glitch.
Don't hassle your designerAsk questions, give feedback,
offer ideas, and get updates; it is your Zaby after all and you're paying for a service, but let your designer work. Your
constant presence and questions will annoy and slow your designer down.
If you run into a problemThere is
no official protection for designers and their clients beyond the RoC and ToS. World Ops rarely gets involved in user disputes
and there is often no legal recourse. We can't always rely on our memory and a simple misunderstanding can quickly escalate.
Take screen shots of your chats and save your emails. Communicate with your designer. Try to resolve your problem privately.
Try to find a mediator if possible. If you suspect fraud or a violation of the ToS, contact World Ops. Your last resort should
be to post your dispute publicly. That makes it everybody's business, creates a lot of drama, and could damage your reputation
as much as your designer's.
If you're a happy camperPay your designer promptly. Most will require half up
front. Become a reference for your designer and tell others how good s/he is.